AquaFed’s Working Groups are for experts from our member organizations and any external partner to exchange information, learn from each other and collectively meet shared challenges and achieve shared goals.
We currently have two live Working Groups:
The Terms of Reference for both Working Groups can be seen in each section. If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions, we would love to hear them, so please contact us:
This Working Group has already started work and we are currently mapping regulation frameworks in different regions of the world where PPPs are active. The maps are meant to be easy to use guides on the laws, government and regulatory responsibilities in countries.
Countries we are mapping:
Unites States of America
The maps will help AquaFed and our partners to communicate the options for countries that already permit PPPs to improve their system and to advise countries that are considering PPPs, about the potential options that they could follow. This work is also our contribution to the IWA’s Call to Action on water and sanitation regulatory systems
See the the Group’s Terms of Reference for more information.
October 2024: Methodology and format for briefing notes agreed.
Dec 2024: Publication of 3 country regulation maps.
Jan 2025: Beginning of communication and engagement using the briefing notes.
Jan onwards- one regulatory map published per month.
The Utility Workforce
Some of the biggest challenges facing utilities are human resource issues, in particular, recruitment and retention. It is well-known that utilities around the world face an ageing workforce and not enough skilled young people wanting to work in the sector.
This Working Group intends to have a variety of workstreams to help our members and partners with their recruitment and retention challenges. There will be a mixture of knowledge sharing of best practises and specific work; contribution to development training and mentoring programs and campaigning work to encourage young skilled professionals into the water utility sector.
There are a wide range of stakeholders that would welcome both the outcomes of this work but also to participate in it. The Working Group is a huge opportunity for AquaFed and our partners to accelerate our recent collaborations about supporting young professionals and women in utilities.
It is likely that the first workstream will be in collaboration with the Water Rising Institute, to look in-depth into gender equality practises and policies in utilities, to build benchmark data on this issue. We aim to agree the workstream in December 2024 and start in January 2025.